Watch the video and read these simple step-by-step instructions to learn how to install a Lyrebird Window Awning / Window Canopy and get the best results from our quality, handmade Australian products.
When using Lyrebird Window Awnings, please note that all timber for outdoor use should be primed – prior to fixing – whether it is treated or not. LOSP treated timber should be primed with an oil based primer.
- Fasten the brackets to the wall with the screws or dynabolts provided with your Window Awning Kit in at least two places. This can be done as follows:
- Drill 10mm holes in each of the brackets, the top hole off-centre to by-pass the slats.
- Then, mark on the wall where the pilot holes have to be drilled
- Decide whether you want the top batten to be fixed to the wall (the wall may be too uneven or too rough a surface), or between the brackets. Extra screws are provided for fixing to the wall
- You also need to decide if the battens are to be fixed between (our recommendation) or on top of the brackets
- Cut the battens to length
- Fix the top, then the front batten
- Fix the centre batten if provided for wider windows
- Cut the fascia to length (determine how you want it centred), and fit, allowing for the roofline to continue over it
- Fix the roof sheets; the top row of screws go in after the flashing is in place, so that they can fix both the flashing and roof sheets
- Pre-drill and fit side flashing as described below:
- Pre-drill the top flashing with 1/8″ holes, at about 900mm centres. The wider side can go either against the wall or on the roof. The top flashing should cover the sides
If you need any assistance during the installation, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.

About Lyrebird Enterprises

As experts in the manufacture of bullnose verandah rafters, curved beams and other curved rafters, door and window canopies /window awnings and a wide range of decorative timber verandah and garden products for over 35-years, Lyrebird Enterprises are well placed to assist you with your outdoor living project. We offer specialist reproduction, new design and manufacturing services for custom curved beam, small or large-scale building projects and provide an obligation-free initial consultation.
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